Lowering the Fingeance Skill Floor
Last week, a fan of ours decided to play Fingeance using only his right hand. Surprisingly, he did very well throughout the campaign (albeit on easy mode)! It immediately dawned on me how much decreasing the skill floor in Fingeance has helped with approachability and accessibility. Apparently Fingeance is one hand friendly… #gamedev #indiedev pic.twitter.com/gIDGFoNSQW — […]
A Shocking Reveal: Sparky!
In our recent demo release, we added in a few unexpected features. There were weird new bosses, a secret difficulty level, and of course, unlockable characters. You might have come across a few already. One character is Spike, the tanky turtle who Lane’s talked about a bit, but the other’s more of a mystery. Sparky, […]
Leveling Up in Fingeance
Leveling up. For some, it’s the best feeling in gaming. In a flash, you’re bigger, stronger, better at everything. If you’ve ever pulled an all-nighter to ding in EverQuest or logged into WoW just to burn rest experience, you’ll agree when I say that leveling is a pleasure, and addiction, and a way of life. […]
Gil Gets Greater Gadgets, and More!
Intelligent, inquisitive, and maybe just a bit paranoid (but is it paranoia if half the ocean wants you dead?), Gil has always had a reputation as a straight-shooter. Over the last year of Fingeance design, we’ve tried to give Gil abilities that reflect this straightforward, sharpshooting persona. In building Gil’s kit, we’ve tried to keep […]
Dorsa: The Underwater Rogue
Dorsa has been in the game since the beginning, but she’s never really had a role that fit her character well. As detailed in our character descriptions, Dorsa is a greedy, self-absorbed fish who wants to profit from the takedown of the Dolphin Empire as much as possible. However, we’ve oftentimes saddled her with a […]
Finn’s New Loadout
Over the past few weeks, we’ve talked about some major changes we’ve made to the shop. I left Lane a nice present in the form of new Bubbles equipment before we left on our trip to the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco. That’s not the only character we’ve been fiddling with however! Finn’s got […]
Brand New Shop and More
Escape Industries has been hard at work to bring you new content, as we’ve shown for the past few weeks. One new feature we haven’t shown yet is a new shop, updated for the coming changes to Fingeance. This new shop should look fairly familiar to veterans of more recent builds, but there are some […]
Enemies Extravaganza
Last week, we showed you some of the bosses you’ll be fighting in Fingeance, but what about the regular enemies? The smaller grunts may be weaker than their larger counterparts, but there is strength in numbers. We’ve created many new enemies over our recent push to pack each level with fresh challenges. Ghasts You’ll find the […]
Boss Battle Briefings
One of the most intense encounters in the game of Fingeance are the boss battles. The Dolphin Empire has trained, manufactured, and bioengineered these big baddies to prevent your team from reaching the heart of the their territory. You and your crack team of fishes will need all the help you can get to defeat […]
The Long Push
Phew! As we said last week, we’ve finished up a HUGE push. It was pretty intense; we spent a lot of time working on new content for the game. We worked on new enemies, bosses, and environments (like the Kelp Forest). I wanted to take this time to reflect on the experience, talk about what […]