Movement in Fingeance
This past week, I’ve been looking at the movement options we have in Fingeance currently. This blog post is gonna get pretty in depth in some of our design philosophies and understanding of our game, as well as the history of this game’s creation a little. Hopefully you get something interesting out of it. (Quick […]
Plethora of Parts for Your Perusal
It’s been a little while since we’ve gone over parts in Fingeance, but since I’ve been working out a few designs I wanted to share some of the more finalized ones with you. Keep in mind that they may not be exactly like this in the final product. Frenzy Engine This gadget will increase your ship’s rate […]
Level Design Part 2: Underwater Boogaloo
So guppies, you love ’em, you hate ’em. They aren’t much of a threat though. Even in large groups, you can just plow through them with enough damage (or a cooperative team!). But what happens when you strap a couple of cannons on their sides? Enter the guppy gunners. These guys move slightly faster and […]
What is Love, part 1
Last week, I started covering the broad-strokes design goals for Fingeance. One of those goals is to build a MMO-like level of attachment, glory, and drama in the fastest time possible. To get there, we’ll be building in three elements: Stakes – Win big. Lose big. Cohesion – Teamwork is paramount. Everyone pulls together. Attachment […]
Level Design Part 1: Guppies and You
These little guys, called guppies, are like the goombas of the sea (yes, I’m aware that cheep cheeps are the goombas of the sea, shush): they appear in a variety of situations all over the game, but are very easy to dispose of. Don’t let their cute appearance fool you, contact with these guys will […]
Everything That Glitters is Not Gold, Except Underwater
Last week, I left you with an image (as I tend to do): These are called scrap. When some enemies are destroyed, they may leave these tiny trinkets behind. Being the creative fishes that you are, you’ve developed a way to use these scrap to your advantage. Players can collect scrap and use them outside […]
Roleplaying is More Fun as a Fish: Part Design in Fingeance
It’s that time again folks! I’m sure you all woke up this morning, excited about this nice spring Monday, looking forward to the robust and detailed game design articles from Escape Industries’s resident game designer/programmer/crazy person. I’ll be here every week to make your Monday mornings that much brighter. Wednesdays are for your weekly dosage […]
The Gameplay of Fingeance; Or, Game Design for Guppies
Hello folks! My name is Stephen McGregor, programmer/designer for this lovely game we call Fingeance. I like long walks on the beach, staring into someone else’s eyes, and creating obscene weapons capable of destroying massive mechanical machinations of mammalian megalomaniacs. Each week on Monday, I’ll give you some details into the mechanisms of Fingeance. My […]