Fingeance Alpha Music
Phew… We did it. We released our alpha demo of Fingeance. Thanks everyone for your support we truly do appreciate it! Thank you so much.
This past week has been pretty intense making sure that we were ready for release before this past Monday, I had to finish the alpha music. I had to finish up 4 different songs in a very short time. Now I have already talked about how hard it was to write the first song so making 4 more was a daunting task to say the least.
Remixing Old Concepts
The way that I approached 2 of the songs were to do variations on the level song that I have been working on for the past few weeks. The boss theme is a more intense version of the original song, while the main menu song is a more subdued version. Here is a sample of the main menu song:
We were planning to have the song add layers to it as you moved from the splash screen to the main menu to the character selection. But we hit a problem with getting the tracks to line up 100% of the time.
Brand New Alpha Music
The other alpha music that I made were completely new themes. The results screen track actually started out as a main menu/main theme idea. But the more and more that I added and worked on the song, the more it sounded like a results screen. So in the end I embraced that and dove fully into making a results song.
The shop song on the other hand took me the least amount of work to actually “make” the song, but the most work to come up with the idea. The idea is the song is coming through small speakers, like a radio or speakers you would find in a supermarket. The style of music is also what you would find in a supermarket, very laid back “jazzy” sounds. Check out a same to see what I mean:
That’s a breakdown of all of the alpha music in the demo it was a bit stressful to make sure that each one sounded good and fit in the same universe. Hopefully you think I pulled it off, I think I did. That being said it is still alpha music, the music isn’t final so things might change in the future, but for now the alpha music in the game seems to work.
But let me know what you think! Go check out the game hear the songs in context and leave a comment saying what you think about the songs, art, gameplay, anything really! Now we even have a page dedicated to Fingeance on the website. You can find the most up to date version of the game on that page. If you want the latest news be sure to check out our Twitter account as we will let you know when we update the builds as soon as it goes live!
Thanks again for all of the support, hope you enjoy the game!