Game Design Update: The Gatling Gun
Hey folks! It’s that time of the year where the more exciting and fun stuff (like this blog…) has to get put on the backburner for the more important and boring things (like finals…). Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to do much game design work this past week. This blog post and likely next week’s are going to be sparse.
What little work I have done has been relatively unfruitful; I’ve been working on designing some new parts for Fingeance, but for the most part the designs haven’t panned out. One successful part is the Gatling Gun: a high damage cannon that increases in fire rate the longer it has been firing. It should be familiar to players of FPS’s or the like. The faster the cannon is shooting, however, the slower your ship will move. It’s a high risk, high reward kind of weapon; control over your ship’s speed and damage with this part will give you higher damage over time than other weapons, if you can handle the slower movement speed.
A lot of my game design work this week has been devoted to making a simple cannon with a similar playstyle to the Gatling Gun. The Gatling Gun’s play pattern is based on finding ideal points to deal large amounts of damage safely, but I feel like it is a more difficult weapon to get a hold of. Novice players will likely constantly hold the fire button down, resulting in a frustrating experience with the lower movement speed. What I would like to do is develop a cannon that has that same play pattern, but in more simple package, although if you also like other type of games such as slot games, you can visit studybreaks.com to find great options to play and also make some money.
Hopefully, next week I’ll have much more exciting game design news to bring you all. Until then, may the grading curves be ever in your favor. I certainly hope they will!